Monday, November 29, 2004

Nothing At All

We had kids and grandkids for Thanksgiving - a great time. Now we're heading for Christmas and in the thick of the holiday season with it's rich colors, foods, associations and emotions.

But when I think back on the birth and death of the Lord Jesus I realize He had none of this - He had nothing at all.

His birthplace was a cattle stall, his crib a manger;I can't imagine a more lonely, desolate setting for a birthing. There were no Christmas cards, no yule log, no choir singing carols. At His neediest hour, before His "trial" and crucifixion, all His disciples forsook Him and fled. Only John would come to the cross.

Even when He rose from the dead there was no one around to witness that.

All of which serves to remind me that I don't need anything else but Him. He is God's total provision for my life (and yours). The rest is nice to have, but we have to cut through that to see Him. And when we do, we will worship Him for ever and ever for there is no one like Him.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Something To Be Thankful For

I just returned from walking around the mall (good exercise). It's the day before Thanksgiving, and the mall is decorated for Christmas, Christmas music is playing, and I felt a little rushed. But I think it's really great! Every bush and tree should be decorated with lights and other shiny things to proclaim the wonder of His birth. Everything that can hold a ribbon should be festooned to the glory of God. Everything from a gramaphone to an mp3 player should be resonating with "O Holy Night" and "Oh Happy Day." All year long.

Because Christmas lives eternally in the heart of God. Jesus is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world - God eternally purposed to redeem our lost and fallen race through the birth, death and resurrection of His Son. The birth of Christ wasn't some last-minute happening that God dreamed up when things got really bad; the foundation had been laid from the beginning of time. The long-promised Messiah was foreshadowed by the passover lamb, the priesthood, and all the types of Christ such as Joshua and David. His coming was foretold repeatedly by the prophets.

Paul says "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." That gift is His Son, in all His offices and all His glory.

So have a happy Thanksgiving - and remember: you ARE what you EAT!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Let Me Tell You About My Dog!

I have this really neat dog. She's a black lab mix, so she's a mid-size dog that looks mostly like a black lab. She's the sweetest, kindest animal I've ever known.

She has only one desire in life (besides the normal doggy desires to eat and sleep) - and that is to be with me. I'm her whole world. She worships the ground I walk on, and lives for the touch of my hand. Every day when I come home from work, she's waiting for me with breathless anticipation, prancing around until I get down on my knees and pet and hug her.

Kena would rather sit at my feet and be petted than to play with her toys. And she doesn't let anything mar her love for me - if I step on her tail or anything like that, she quickly forgives me and forgets all about it, eager just to continue our relationship.

I see in her the heart attitude I want to have for the Lord Jesus. I want to be with Him all the time, to feel the touch of His hand on my life. If His Presence should leave for a while, I will wait with eager desire until He returns. Just to be with Him is better than life, to sit at His feet and gaze on His face.

Whatever comes my way from His hand I will accept; far better to take life in stride like that than to let my circumstances stand between me and Him.

I feel like my dog and I were made for each other. And I know I was made to be with the Lord.

Let us draw near to Him.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Good Food

Jeremiah said "Thy words were found and I did eat them: and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart." (Jeremiah 15:16) The Spanish version of the NIV renders the word "eat" as "devour." Isn't that great - I devoured your word.

In our search for joy and rejoicing, we shouldn't overlook God's word. Instead, we should devour it.

We eat breakfast, lunch and dinner (and that's just for starters!) Why not eat God's Word as often as we feed our faces?


This is my first blog! I want to share the love of God in Jesus Christ. What a wonderful and beautiful God and Savior He is. I feel fortunate just to know Him, that one day He revealed Himself to me. It had nothing to do with my worthiness, but all to do with my unworthiness. The Bible says that "In due time, Christ died for the ungodly."

The "ungodly." Wow, that's me! A good description of me. But Jesus died, so I can live. That's why I'm 4 ever free.

I fit in God's kingdom because I'm not worthy! That's not a hard admission to make after comparing my life with the life of Jesus. No way do I measure up, nor could I ever measure up. I receive all I need from Him - acceptance, comfort, guidance, strength, blessing, spiritual riches, and so much more.

Yes, I'm free - free from who I was, free from who I am, free for Him. 4 ever free.