Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Let Me Tell You About My Dog!

I have this really neat dog. She's a black lab mix, so she's a mid-size dog that looks mostly like a black lab. She's the sweetest, kindest animal I've ever known.

She has only one desire in life (besides the normal doggy desires to eat and sleep) - and that is to be with me. I'm her whole world. She worships the ground I walk on, and lives for the touch of my hand. Every day when I come home from work, she's waiting for me with breathless anticipation, prancing around until I get down on my knees and pet and hug her.

Kena would rather sit at my feet and be petted than to play with her toys. And she doesn't let anything mar her love for me - if I step on her tail or anything like that, she quickly forgives me and forgets all about it, eager just to continue our relationship.

I see in her the heart attitude I want to have for the Lord Jesus. I want to be with Him all the time, to feel the touch of His hand on my life. If His Presence should leave for a while, I will wait with eager desire until He returns. Just to be with Him is better than life, to sit at His feet and gaze on His face.

Whatever comes my way from His hand I will accept; far better to take life in stride like that than to let my circumstances stand between me and Him.

I feel like my dog and I were made for each other. And I know I was made to be with the Lord.

Let us draw near to Him.

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