Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Way

I realized this morning that the word "Christianity" is not in the Bible. That is an invention of man that turns what the Bible calls "The Way" into a set of beliefs. Christianity becomes a series of doctrines and teachings, and we have blindly followed and accepted the premise that if we believe in these things then our lives will somehow be affected.

It's possible to believe in the resurrection but not be touched by it's power. Oh, I might try a little harder to be good, or have some passing hope for a moment. But Paul prayed "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection." He said "The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God..." That's more than having faith "in" - it's the "faith of" the Son of God. (Gal. 2:20 - KJV)

We have a new and living way, a Man who went to the cross, who was crucified, dead and buried, who descended into Hell, who rose pure and holy and led captivity captive, who lives now and forevermore.

Jesus didn't die so we could have a statement of beliefs, and He didn't walk out of that tomb so we could have ten steps to follow for a happy life. He has come as the great Lover of mankind. Let's fall in love with Him all over again!


Mary Parsons said...

AMEN!! Let's not have faith in our faith, but faith in God or "of" God as you put it so well.

There are so many teachings the "Christian" test, but speak only of living a better life, not a resurrection life. They prescribe adherence to the word and a proclomation of Jesus as God's Son, but never speak of knowing Him, just knowing his word and speaking it as if it is a secret power source.
Great post.

Mary Parsons said...

should have said, so many teaching that pass the "christian" test...