Thursday, February 09, 2006

I See A Man

I see a man opon a tree,
I see His life expiring;
From heaven He came to win my soul,
His pursuit of me untiring.

I hear Him with His dying breath
Forgive the ones who slay Him;
How could a man in such a state
Pardon those who betray Him?

Such condescending love I see,
I feel my cold heart waking;
As He hangs there opon the tree
'Tis moved to thorough breaking.

His now I am, and His alone;
None other can e'er claim me.
I'll follow on where'er He goes,
Even if He slay me.

The bleeding love of Calvary,
Full measure of devotion;
'Tis higher far than mountains
And deeper than the oceans.

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