Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Song Of Love

I wrote this poem on the occasion of a friend's wedding some years ago. It brings out a wonderful truth.

God took a rib from Adam's side
And fashioned for His man a bride.
Adam took her for his own -
Flesh of flesh and bone of bone.

'Twas but himself he found in her,
'Twas but herself she found in him;
And so the two became as one -
Like vale and hill, like tree and limb.

An echo of that love is here-
A woman and a man daw near;
Each finds themself within the other -
The two are one in one another.

From his side - his heart - it seems
He finds in her his hopes and dreams.
But his love doesn't stand alone -
His hopes and dreams are her very own.

But now we see another bride,
Another man with wounded side;
Everything He has He gives -
She takes the gift of life and lives.

He walks to you on wounded feet;
Without you He'll not be complete.
Come, be married to the Son -
Where there were two - let there be one.


Anonymous said...

permission to post this poem on my blog?

Anonymous said...

wonderful. Looking forward to incorporating these into Sunday worship!

Nick Bowen said...

Certainly, you may post it. Thanks for asking.