Friday, October 06, 2006

Incredible Journey

Every so often we hear a tale of a beloved family pet left behind in a move to another part of the country who makes its way across prairies, through cities, and over mountains to finally be rejoined to the family it loves. It shows up at the door matted and bloodied but with tail wagging (if it's a dog, not a cat) and falls into the open arms of its loved ones. How they do it, no one knows.

We are on such a journey, from where the Lord found us to where He wants to take us. It's a journey over mountains and dark valleys, through storms and trials. It's the Holy Spirit that guides us and keeps us on course as we falteringly make our way to our true home, the mountain of the house of the Lord.

I want to share some about that journey - how the Lord found us and how He has led us and where He has brought us to, and by His grace I'll post on this every so often.

If you still check this blog after so many weeks of inactivity - thank you.

Next post: In the beginning ....

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