Saturday, December 04, 2004

Christmas Night

John Wright Follette was spiritual father to Wade
Taylor. His Christmas poems stir me every year, and
I'd like to share some during this Christmas season.


I LOVE the deep blue sky on Christmas night.
I love the silence and the holy awe,
For here my heart can rest and spirit feed.
How deep the blue, my heart, how deep?
As deep as God - eternity can tell.
My soul is thrilled to see again His star
Upon the bosom of the holy night,
Gleaming in its solitary grandeur.

Upon a rugged hill a lonely tree,
An omen bleak against the deep blue sky,
Lifts high its naked, tortured, hungry arms.
And lo! I see the star impaled thereon.
From sky I look to earth, and see again
The stable rude and in the manger laid
The little Christ Child on the hay asleep,
A new born babe - and yet as old as God.

~John Wright Follette

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