Monday, December 27, 2004

He Is Worthy

"Thou art worthy, O lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." (Rev. 4:11)

The Lord Jesus is worthy of our praise and adoration (the Spanish word for worship is "adoracion;" that says a lot). He is worthy in and of Himself for who He is. Our worship should not be motivated solely by what He has done for us - that is a self-centered viewpoint. (Of course, the big problem is that we are self-centered, but God is trying to break us of that.)

His attributes are so wonderful and His character is so magnificent that these alone should engender praise from His people. When we get to the point where we can see beyond our own mess and catch a glimpse of Jesus in all His glory, then we will begin to know something of His worthiness.

How wonderful to be released from self and from the cares and worries that beset the whole world, to be released into the realms of the Kingdom of God, to join the cherubim and seraphim and the angels and the beasts and the elders as they fall down before His throne and cry "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord." If we had six wings we would cover our face with two that we not see into the natural realm; we would cover our feet with two that we not walk our own walk; and with two we would fly into the glorious regions of the liberty of the sons of God.

Contemporary emphases in Christendom have focused on self and strayed from former paths devoted solely to the glory of God. Let us with a glad heart lift high the Name of Jesus and recapture the former glory and press on into higher and higher realms of revelation. We know not the way, but we have a way-maker, a great King who waits to lead us there.

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