Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Our Christmas

We're spending the holidays at home. I'm taking 2 weeks vacation, so we're enjoying sleeping late, reading, playing games, and taking in a couple of movies (go see "Phantom of The Opera"). I go to the gym and go ice skating; after all the food I've eaten, I need that.

Instead of exchanging presents, on Christmas day Pat and I hosted some of our latino friends whose families are in their home countries; we also had some latino families over. We enjoy our latino church and the way they have accepted us. We're both growing in our Spanish language abilities, and I occasionally get a chance to preach and teach, and I play guitar with the worship team there.

Our older son and his family gave us lots of little travel items to take on the plane on our upcoming missions trip to Paraguay.

Our daughter Mary and her family came by the day after Christmas to exchange presents; we ate dinner together at Olive Garden (more food, more repentance).

I popped into the office today to help relieve any year-end problems that might have cropped up; there were none, but better safe than sorry.

We peek out the windows at the new neighbors, trying to figure them out.

Next year will be here soon enough. For now I'm enjoying long, lazy days filled with books and plenty of quality/quantity time with the love of my life, Pat.

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