Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I have to report that there's more to me this year than there was last year, after the surfeit of holiday food in the office, at home, in restaurants, at friends' houses - everywhere. I am because I eat. I'm in a food coma. If it had chocolate in it, on it, or around it, I ate it. If it was a cookie, cake, or candy, I ate it.

I have a theory that the reason we have to ride bicycles and walk treadmills to nowhere is because we've taken the exercise out of our jobs. In the olden days the pioneers had to haul rocks, chop down trees, plow fields, and generally overexert themselves to eke out a living and survive on the frontier (not to mention fighting indians, square dancing, building barns and log cabins, etc.). Today we (I mean me and probably you, if you're reading this) sit at desks and don't exercise anything more than our fingers doing stuff like I'm doing right now. And I'm getting more exercise typing this than you are reading it! Then, after work (!), we go home and sit on the couch.

So what happened? Where did the exercise go? It went out the window and we need to bring it back in. My idea is to require office workers to power their own workstations by means of pedal-powered generators. We would sit at our desks, feet on pedals, and actually exert some energy turning the pedals to provide electricity for our computer, lights, electric pencil sharpeners, electric staplers, clocks, coffee pots, fans, heaters, and whatever else we use. (We probably wouldn't even need the heaters then.)

Sounds like a great idea, doesn't it? That way, we wouldn't have to go to the gym after work; we could just go home and be a couch potato because we'd have already gotten our share of exercise. Imagine that, being a couch potato and not feeling guilty about it!

Howsomever, short of the pedal thing, it's back to the gym. Maybe I'll see you there.


Samuel Liu said...

what a wonderful idea! I bet having to self-generate our own electricity would make the US the fittest country in the world.

Mary Parsons said...

Hey, I ride my bike to Wal-mart now. I cuts down on spending becuase you can only take what you can carry with you.

Pat said...

Think we could install pedals on washing machines and dishwashers? LOL