Monday, April 25, 2005

Adam, Where Are You?

Oh Adam, my Adam, oh where have you gone?
Why have you stayed away for so long?
I've come to the garden in the cool of the day
For fellowship sweet that we've shared in the way.

I made you this garden with all its good things,
And the great Tree of Life to give your heart wings.
Another tree, too, in the midst did I place,
And gave you the choice of that tree to taste,

The Tree of the Knowledge of Evil and Good.
I fear you've partaken, I feared that you would;
You were created from dust of the ground,
And some of the earth realm within you is found.

Has the serpent beguiled you to eat of that tree?
Have you listened to him instead of to me?
Did he take what I said and twist it around
And thus give to sin a beautiful sound?

What's that? You're naked? Who told you you were?
Eve spoke to the serpent and you've listened to her?
I fear I must send you out from the midst,
To suffer and toil and labor like this.

But I'll make a way for you to return
To me in the garden, to the God that you've spurned.
I'll take on your sin, I'll take it as mine;
On a hill on a cross on Calv'ry you'll find

That the God of all love has taken your place,
My Son will have taken your sin and disgrace
And nailed it all there to the cross on the hill
And paid all the cost, if only you will

Come to me there, for I'll make a way
To restore you to Eden and win back the day.
His name is Jesus, and in Him you'll be
All that I ever had destined for thee.

In my death you'll die and in my life you'll live
And receive all I ever have wanted to give.
'Twill no longer be you, created from earth,
But all in the Son, of infinite worth.

Oh Adam, my Adam, find life in the Son,
For in Him both you and I can be one.
Forever my Son shall be the new way
And we'll walk in the garden in the cool of the day.

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