Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Miracle At Zarephath

The story of the widow woman at Zarephath can be found in 1 Kings 17. Zarephath means "workshop for refining metals."

The widow woman of Zarephath
Was preparing for her death;
A scant supply was all she had,
And then things went to worse from bad.

She and her son would eat their last
And then their lives would soon be past.
Then on that day the prophet came

And things would never be the same.

The prophet asked her for a drink
And just as she was on the brink
Of fetching that, the prophet said
"Oh, and please bring me some bread."

"I've only for my son and me;
Why can't you just let us be?"
But God had come with His demands
Which can't be met by human hands.

And just when things were at their worst
The prophet told her "Feed me first."
For he had heard a word from God
And even though it seemed now odd,

And told her if she'd meet his need,
She would never lack indeed.
She did just that and found it true -
God met his needs and her needs, too.

God has a bountiful supply -
The well is deep, it won't run dry.
So if you hunger, if you thirst,
Don't look to self - put Jesus first.

If your soul is on the brink
Give Him to eat, give Him to drink.
In serving Christ you're sure to find
Enough for thee and all mankind.

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