Friday, April 08, 2005

The Secret Of The Stairs

("The Secret Of The Stairs" is the title of a book by my spiritual father, Wade Taylor. The words are taken from the Song of Solomon. In the book he talks about our life experiences being as the risers on a set of stairs that bring us up higher in the things of God; as we ascend on the riser we then step onto the horizontal piece and walk out - and work out - the new thing that God is doing in our lives.)

I want to touch your hands, my Lord, and see
The marks of what you did that day for me.
I want to touch your side and really know
The pain and suffering you did undergo.

In things of Thee too casual I am;
My faith at times seems like a cheapened sham.
Too comfortable am I in things of God -
I want to walk the road that You have trod.

If I am suff'ring, let it be with You,
If I'm rejoicing, Jesus, be there, too.
And if I'm only passing time away
Then intervene and rescue back the day.

I want more purpose in this life of mine;
All lesser interests are just wastes of time.
I want to love you with the kind of love
That sent you here from realms of light above.

Oh, catch me up to higher realms with Thee
Where I can be who I was meant to be,
To stand on Zion, breath the upper airs,
To'ascend and know the secret of the stairs.

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